Organizer of Formal events including
❖ Co-Convener, RANZCP Victorian Branch Annual Weekend Conference 2022, Lorne
❖ Convener, RANZCP Victorian Branch Annual Weekend Conference 2019, Lorne
❖ Co-Convener, RANZCP Victorian Branch Annual Weekend Conference 2018, Hepburn Springs
❖ Co-Convener, RANZCP Victorian Branch Annual Weekend Conference 2017, Marysville
❖ Annual Victorian Branch Travelling Scholar and Victorian Branch Meritorious Award
❖ Chair, ‘Complexities of personality developmentwith childhood trauma’, J Beatsonand S Rao, 2021.
❖ Moderator, ‘Psychotherapy in the COVID era’, by Professor Glen Gabbard, 2020.
Multiple other events related to membership support, policy and advocacy work.